Kicking and screaming, breaking a sweat.
Scrambling frantically in search of a threat.
Sitting there helpless with walls closing in.
My heart is pumping; where do I begin?!
How did I get here?! How could this be?!
Why are these walls closing in on me?!
Breathing heavily, dripping with sweat.
All this searching, only to find no threat.
How did I get here?! How could this be?!
Why are these walls closing in on me?!
Take a deep breath; have no fear.
What can I do to see more clear?
Open my eyes and take a look around.
Only to find that there’s not one wall found.
How did I get here?! How could this be?!
Why are these walls closing in on me?!
No walls are out there; it’s only me.
What was the darkness that had a hold of thee?!
No walls are close, not even near.
What’s responsible for all this fear?!
Being a chancer, I begin searching for the answer.
How did I get here?! How could this be?!
Why are these walls closing in on me?!
James Basch.
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